• COVID-19 Safety

    COVID-19 Safety

Safety is our Priority

Understandably, safety is a big concern for many as they are deciding whether to participate in this year’s events. The core of our planning of this event is to provide a safe and healthy event for all participants, volunteers, and staff. Which is why we are continuing to work very closely with the local municipalities to ensure we are adhering to all public health guidelines.

Safety is our Priority

General COVID-19 Precautions

Masks/face coverings will be required by staff and volunteers at all times. We strongly recommend participants wear a mask/face covering during non-competition times: packet pick-up, pre and post-race, start lines, immediate finish line (masks will be given to participants if needed). Please note that masks/face coverings must be secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands. Cloth face coverings must be made with two or more layers, and does not include bandanas or single layer neck gaiters. While spectating is discouraged to limit the amount of people at the event this year, we do ask if one is spectating to adhere to social distancing, wear a mask/face covering, and they must conduct a daily symptom self-assessment and be in good health.

General COVID-19 Precautions

Packet Pick-Up

There will be an early packet pickup on Thursday, April 29th at Fleet Feet Madison & Sun Prairie, Friday, April 30th at Fleet Feet Madison ONLY, and day of on site on May 1st. Additionally, participants are able to select to have their packets mailed to them prior to the event (this can be done through their RunSignUp profile). Minimal contact will be made at packet pick-up by using electronic check in devices. Participants may register at packet pick-up and day of the race, but are asked to do so from their own personal devices.

Packet Pick-Up

Start Corral

Participants in the 20k will start the race with their corrals beginning at 9:00am, while 5k participants will start being released at 10:00am. Before entering the start corral, participants will be able to gather in a designated location near the start line with the rest of their wave. While in the waiting area and in the start corral, we ask that participants adhere to social distancing requirements indicated by markers on the pavement. Participants in the start corral MUST be ready to approach the start line ready to run. Participants will not be allowed to conduct any race preparation (warm-ups, stretching, adjusting or changing apparel, etc.) in the start area. This may be done outside the start corral away from other participants. When it is time for your wave to start, participants will be instructed to begin walking towards the start line where they will be able to start right away.

Start Corral


Aid station precautions will include all volunteers being required to wear masks and gloves, as well as spreading out the tables at each aid station to reduce contact points and crowding. Trash cans will be placed at each aid station where we ask that you please do your best to properly dispose of any cups and trash in them. We also ask that you help us keep the course and community clean and do not litter anywhere else on the course.

It is inevitable that runners will want to pass one another, and we ask that participants pass only when it is safe and clear of others. Please adhere to the "no drafting" rules which include being no closer than 10 feet behind or in front of, or 6 feet beside other competitors.


Finish Line/Post Race

Congratulations, you finished the race! Upon completing the run and crossing the finish line, participants must continue moving towards the exit of the finish area. Please do not linger or gather in large groups after collecting your post-race food and finisher medal. No congregating of any type will be permitted either before, during, or after the event. Due to the socially distanced nature of the event, results will be calculated after the race once all participants have finished. Age group and overall awards will be available for pick up the day after the event. Stay tuned for more details!

Finish Line/Post Race